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Hong Kong recent comments:

  • Hong Kong Ocean Park, Jim VIllanueva (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • Hong Kong Island, peter (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    You can see here how great city is HONG KONG ...AWESOME video here:
  • Tsing Ma Bridge , peter (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    In this timelapse is "Tsing Ma Bridge"
  • Hong Kong Ocean Park, wretched_hyena wrote 16 years ago:
    (to Mileyfan- Youngster, it's not comparing apples to apples to compare Ocean Park with Disney.) In 1989, I had my first date with Rebecca, who is now my wife. She's is really shy, and it didn't look like we were going to get together until her best friend, Johnavel, stepped in and started pushing her. Thank you, Johnavel. May you rest in peace.
  • Hong Kong Island, heartsong (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    hongkong indeed a nice place . their transportation system is so convenient and efficient that even a first time visitor would not have any fear of getting lost. of course i love the attractions such as ocean park and disneyland and the food.... wow !
  • Tsim Sha Tsui Baptist Church , Ricky (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Wonderful and friendly church at 30 Cameron Road. Near major hotels and MTR exit. English worship at 8:30am. English Sunday School also after that. Church phone no. 2369-2237.
  • Hong Kong Disneyland, mileyfan (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    My third favorite theme park in the world!!!
  • Hong Kong Ocean Park, mileyfan (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Disneyland is better
  • Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Headquarters, the guy (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    ..only those with the intelligent mind can outrun the clever.. it was here where the turley man suffered..
  • Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Headquarters, the guy (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    this is it! it's here!
  • Lei Yue Mun Estate, cino wrote 16 years ago:
    place cino kyan
  • Hong Kong Disneyland, waltdisnep (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    under constuction
  • Lamma Island, влад (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    да плавали ми там
  • Scenic Villa I-J Block, boyet_calica wrote 16 years ago:
    We lived here 1989-1995 Esmie/Boyet
  • Hankow Centre, UAEXCHANGE HK LTD (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Work place of Vikas Shetty
  • Kowloon, parapangke wrote 16 years ago:
    I cannot forget this country especially in Kowloon because it shared lots of joyful memory in my life last 20 years ago.I've stayed and worked here last 1990-92.
  • Foremost Building, migluver (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    This building is the one next to Champion Building. It is not Champion Building. The Yue Wah Consortium is in Champion Building.
  • Tung Ping Chau, wai (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    位 於 新 界 大 埔 東 北 部 大 鵬 灣 的 東 平 洲 , 為 香 港 最 東 北 的 一 個 地 方 。 東 平 洲 本 身 為 船 灣 ( 延 伸 部 分 ) 郊 野 公 園 一 部 分 , 而 由 於 東 平 洲 附 近 水 域 佈 滿 珊 瑚 層 及 海 藻 床 , 有 高 度 生 態 價 值 , 政 府 將 東 平 洲 周 圍 的 海 面 劃 為 海 岸 公 園 , 水 域 界 線 會 以 黃 色 燈 號 浮 標 為 標 記 。     東 平 洲 海 岸 公 園 為 最 新 一 個 海 岸 公 園 。 本 公 園 首 先 設 立 核 心 區 。 在 海 岸 公 園 內 劃 定 的 核 心 區 , 當 局 會 嚴 格 執 行 保 護 工 作 嚴 禁 任 何 捕 魚 或 碇 泊 活 動 , 以 維 持 核 心 區 內 多 種 重 要 的 生 物 。 現 時 在 大 塘 灣 及 亞 媽 灣 分 別 劃 定 了 兩 個 核 心 區 , 以 加 強 對 珊 瑚 群 落 的 保 護 。 前 往 方 法 : 大 學 車 站 小 輪 可 達 東 平 洲 ( 只 限 假 日 )
  • Clock Tower , wai (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    九 廣 鐵 路 全 線 在 一 九 一 一 年 正 式 貫 通 , 不 過 尖 沙 咀 總 站 大 樓 , 要 到 一 九 一 三 年 方 動 工 興 建 , 一 九 一 六 年 落 成 , 而 安 裝 電 動 大 鐘 的 工 程 在 一 九 二 一 年 全 部 完 工 。
  • Tung Chung Fort, wai (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    1817 清政府在東涌建立寨城