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Hong Kong recent comments:

  • The Sea Crest Block 2, bc (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    A nice place!
  • Chi Sun Correctional Institution, Teresa wrote 14 years ago:
    Thank you ijhu for your interesting and illustrative account and some background to Chi Ma Wan.
  • Chi Sun Correctional Institution, ijhu wrote 14 years ago:
    To be exact when it was opened for BOAT PEOPLE (refugee). Here is a little story behind it. I arrived at Hong Kong on July 3 1982 which is 1 day after the formal announcement that BOAT people who arrived after July 2, 1982 will be sent into a closed CAMP. Chimawan was the first CLOSED camp for boat people. Our boat (Identified as L/M1706) originated from Thuan An Hue was 1 of the 2 first arrived at the closed camp along with another one from the North (Hai Phong) identified as L/M 1705. Each of us has a number as an identification, our boat has 36 people, and I was numbered as 33. Even thought our boat arrived after the other one, but we got processed first so #1 to #36 belongs to our boat L/M 1706. (What is L/M I have no idea as I was only 11 years old back then) What happened to people who arrived before July 2, 1982? They got sent to camp in Hong Kong city where they get to work and earn money and travel around, Closed camp = fenced in......the size of the camp according to my recollection is roughly a small street block in size. The first group of people arrived to CHIMAWAN were staying in the LOWER Camp, while the UPPER were for hong Kong prisoners. Eventually the number grows and the government moved Hong kong prisoner into another place and people came in first got moved to the upper CAMP. Distinctive difference between lower and upper cam were the HUT size, it were smaller in UPPER CAMP. White people in lower camp must carry their own bowl, spoon and mug for breakfast , lunch and dinner to collect their portion, people in UPPER camp do not need to have their bowls or spoons. In UPPER CAMP, single males are group together living in a designated HUT while single Females were also living in separate HUT. Family class living in their distinctive HUT. Later on as the volume of people came into the camp growth significantly, many were moved to Heilingchau (a different island) and single white males where also isolated in different camp. when I first arrived, I stayed in LOWER CAMP, then moved to UPPER CAMP, then to HEILINGCHAU, out to ARGYLE CAMP in Kowloon, (Interview process) back to Heilingchau, then back to Argyle Camp (another area) then finally left camp ARGYLE camp in March 1985 going to Canada. hope this help everyone understand about CHIMAWAN.
  • Columbarium, wai (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    慈雲閣 愛親堂 孝德堂 孝思堂 思親堂
  • The first making of the Philippine flag, wai (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Making of the Philippine flag Further information: Flag of the Philippines The detail of Fernando Amorsolo's The Making of the Philippine flag depicting Agoncillo and company's manual sewingAfter the signing of the Pact of Biak-na-Bato on December 14, 1897, General Aguinaldo, after their voluntary exile, visited the Agoncillo residence in Hong Kong.[21] After having met them, Aguinaldo requested that Agoncillo immediately hand-sew a flag according to his design which would embody the national aspirations of all Filipinos. After receiving the request, Agoncillo delegated her eldest daughter, five-year-old Lorenza, and Mrs. Delfina Herbosa de Natividad, Jose Rizal's niece by his sister Lucia, to help her.[22][23][24] The process took only a short time, but it was difficult. The three worked manually and with the aid of a sewing machine. They had to redo the flag after the rays of the sun were not in the proper direction. Their eyes and hands suffered due to the prolonged work session. Made from fine silk which she bought in Hong Kong,[25] the flag was embroidered in gold and contained stripes of blue and red and a white triangle with the sun and three stars on it.[19][26] The flag was finished in five days[3] and became known as "the sun and the stars flag".[23] The thimble used by Agoncillo in sewing the first Philippine flag; on display at Malacañan Palace Museum.On May 17, 1898, the flag was delivered personally by Agoncillo[3] and was packed among the things Aguinaldo brought back to Manila. This was the flag that was hoisted from the window of Aguinaldo's house in Kawit, Cavite, during the proclamation of Philippine independence on June 12, 1898 accompanied by the Philippine National Anthem Marcha Filipina.[22][27] However, she did not witness either this first public display of the flag or the time when the flag was unfurled during the Malolos Congress because her husband remained in Hong Kong and she remained with him.[28] In response to the message written by Gen. Aguinaldo, Agoncillo wrote the following statement when she was interviewed: In the house at 535 Morrison Hill, where I lived with my family, exiled from our country on account of the national cause, I had the good fortune to make the first Philippine flag under the direction of an illust[r]ious leader Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy...It took me five days to make that National Flag, and when completed, I myself delivered it to Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo before boarding the transport McCullo[ug]h...Gen. Aguinaldo is the best witness who can give the information whether or not that flag was the first to be displayed in Cavite at the beginning of the revolutionary government against the government of Spain in these islands.
  • Ocean View Court, kazuhiro/MSF (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Yes this where i lived for 8 years in TST.Very nice and quite place.I miss it.
  • Seascape, davechiew wrote 14 years ago:
    Please put all personal information in the comments section.
  • Bailley Garden Block 2, rohan_p wrote 14 years ago:
    My brother lives here
  • Hung Hom Estate Phase 2, Cambridge wrote 14 years ago:
    The above comment was extract from :
  • Grand View Building -(Mong Kok Computer Centre), name (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    3 stories
  • Chung King Mansions, Hurry butter (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    It's a good place to stay!many good guest house there,i stay in New China Guest house In block D,it's cheap and nice ,try to find a chinese guest house as the indian one are really not that good and clean
  • Hung Hom Estate Phase 2, ww (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    紅磡邨還是一座山丘的時候,叫大環山。後來山丘被削為平地,於一九五六年建起了徙置區大環山邨。當時的大環山邨共有四座第一型七層大廈,其中第一座設計十分特別,兩翼長度不一,是眾多第一型徙置大廈中獨有的。後來,四座樓宇清拆,於一九九九年建成今天的紅磡邨。 現時,紅磡邨共有兩座樓宇,分別是紅暉樓和紅昇樓,均屬於和諧三型設計。「暉」意謂陽光,「昇」意謂上升,兩個字都配合了該處地質岩石的紅色,予人一種旭日初升感覺。此邨的位置鄰近海旁,當時還有一個發電廠。不過當年發電廠的位置今天已變成了一個私人樓宇群海逸豪園。從紅磡邨遠眺,昔日景色已不復再。 大環山原有四座樓宇,新的紅暉樓和紅昇樓位於原來的第三座和第四座的位置;原來的第一座和第二座的位置仍未興建新樓宇。計劃中,這個地盤重建後本應可建一千一百多個住宅單位,其中一千個是居屋,餘下一百多個是公屋,採用和諧式公屋設計。不過,在二○○○年,政府宣布建停及停售居屋,而紅磡邨第二期的居屋地基打樁合約雖已批出,但也要擱置上蓋建築工程。到了二○○五年,形勢有所改變,政府決定將該地用作興建公營房屋。房屋署重新規劃後,決定興建三座非標準型公屋。由於打樁工程早已完成,因此未來新建的公屋就利用原有樁柱,以補樁加以輔助興建。到時,整個紅磡邨將會有五座樓宇,成為一個小型屋邨。
  • Ka To Factory Building, simcoe wrote 15 years ago:
    Have purchased high quality electronic items from this company on eBay at a very reasonable price.
  • Li Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum , wai (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    This ancient brick tomb was discovered in 1955 when workmen were levelling a hill slope to make way for the present Lei Cheng Uk Estate. A total of 58 pottery and bronze objects were found inside the tomb. Available evidence based on the design of the tomb and the forms of burial objects suggests that it was built during the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D.25-220). The site is now the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum.
  • Tin Hau Temple, wai (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    The Tin Hau Temple in Causeway Bay was built by the Tai family probably in the early 18th century. The Tai family are Hakkas from Guangdong who first settled in Kowloon in a village now lost beneath the former Kai Tak Airport. The family used to go to Causeway Bay to gather grass and, according to legends, some members of the family found a statue of Tin Hau in the rocks near the shore. They then erected a shelter for it and, as the shrine became popular with the boat people who made donations, a proper temple building was subsequently constructed. This Temple is one of the many dedicated to Tin Hau, goddess of the sea, and is a fine example of temple architecture of the period, still largely in its original form despite subsequent renovations. The temple is still under the management of the Tai family.
  • Jordan Valley Landfill, wai (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    佐敦谷公園 佐敦谷公園前身為堆填區,後改建為公園。康文署觀塘區康樂事務經理陸智剛昨稱,佐敦谷公園賽車場分A及B兩個跑道場,具有國際水平的A場適合進行各種大型遙控模型車賽事。 場地佔地約一千八百平方米,跑道全長約一百九十米,設有一條長約四十米直路、S字形彎和九十度角彎,亦設有有蓋看台等設施。至於B場規模較細,面積僅約一百八十平方米,適合小朋友及較大型的遙控模型車使用。 佐敦谷公園的遙控模型賽車場現已啟用。團體租用須三個月前申請遙控模型車愛好者潘兆烽指,本港欠缺遙控模型車場,且設備未盡完善,故平時惟有在街上及空地「玩車」,但卻要冒着「撞到人及車被撞」的危險。康文署指個人使用者可於賽車場開放時間內免費入場「玩車」,但團體欲使用場地舉行比賽則須於三個月前申請。
  • Lucky Centre, Lomovoz (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    JJ Hotel is here.
  • Victoria Harbour, wksingapore (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    .... Tsim Sha Tsui is part of the Victoria Harbor?
  • Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 1, tank (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    the best airport
  • Hong Kong Island, wksingapore (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    my father said he got here from the airport and the taxi fare was HK$450. Why dont they build a bridge from lantau to cheung chau then another bridge here?